Celebrating Five Years of Tattooed Poets

As many of you who have followed Tattoosday over the years, April is a special month here, where we feature, in honor of National Poetry Month, thirty days of tattooed poets.

It is astonishing to me that what I dreamed up in 2009 is now entering its fifth installment.

When I first reached out to Stacey Harwood at the Best American Poetry blog and asked if she and David Lehman would help promote the idea on their site, I worried that I would be able to find enough poets willing to participate. I didn't doubt the existence of tattooed verse-slingers, I just wondered if they'd be interested in sharing with a fledgling tattoo blog.

Fortunately for me, and for you, Dear Readers, my doubts were quickly dashed and this year, it looked as if we were going to have too many poets. Is there such a thing?

A nasty case of unemployment has left me with extra time to prepare the month so, on this March 31, I have pretty much prepared and scheduled the entire month. I do expect to be busy with stragglers to whom I had granted spots, and will now find themselves as part of double days of tattooed poets.

In general, posts will go up in the wee hours of the morning and, if there are two poet days, they will go live in the afternoon.

I can't begin to name everyone who has helped with this endeavor over the years, but I thank you for reading, and ask you to enjoy the month of April and the wide range of poets from all over the U.S. who will be seen here, in the flesh, and in the written line.


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Owl tattoo

Oggi sono riuscita a finire un
Tattoo iniziato un mesetto
Fa... Un gufo su una clessidra con
Un'pò di rose!!!

Owl tattoo finally done!!

Miss juliet travels....!!

hello friends!
here some dates and conventions where you can find me!!

and maybe i will be at the 23a Berlin Tattoo convention in august... stay tuned <3 p="">

last day in Berlin!!

il mio ultimo giorno a Berlino... non vedo l'ora di tornare a giugno!!!
My last day in Berlin can't wait to be back in june!!thanks Myra!!

Berlin day 2!!

Secondo di lavoro qui a Berlino,devo dire che mi diverto moltissimo anche se faccio piccoli tatuaggi,oggi ho tatuato Nathalie che è venuta dalla Svizzera,le ho realizzato un ventaglio e la dolce Sarah che avevo già tatuato a novembre,le avevo fatto uno scoiattolino invece oggi abbiamo fatto un restyling di un vecchio tattoo!!!

Thanxxxx Nathalie from Switzerland and the lovely Sarah for make my day beautiful and funny!!!

Hungarian Tattoo Magazine

Hungarian Tattoo Magazine
Hungarian Tattoo Magazine

Taking Appointments for Amsterdam Tattoo Convention 2013

Dear Dudes and Babes, I will be working at the Amsterdam Tattoo Convention this year that takes place on 31 of May - 02 June in RAI Amsterdam. 

There I will be doing small tattoos (like a hand-palm size) using lots of black with only 2 additional colors.
All interested in the designs from the flash-sheet below or other idea mail me to: jankowzki@gmail.com
Hope to see you there.
Best wishes,
Pawel Jankowzki  

Dragonfly tattoos in Berlin!!

Adoro Berlino. Quando sono a Berlino mi sento come nuova mi ricarico di energie e di voglia di lavorare e fare sempre meglio ... Ora sono ospite al the Decay tattoo parlour per qualche giorno e ieri ho fatto due libellule a Pauline che è venuta direttamente dall'olanda!!! Che onore!! Oggi invece solo shopping e amore... É domenica un'pò di relax ci vuole... Ma da domani di nuovo a lavorare vi tengo aggiornati!!!

Here two little dragonfly tattoo!thanx Pauline!!!! She came from holland!!!such a nice pleasure !!! ❤

We've Made Another List!

What can I say?

We were recently honored in a post over on Boar Skull, a site that sells plugs, body jewelry and organics.

We made their list of "Six Tattoo and Body Modification Blogs You Should be Reading".

I'm sure the six are not in any particular order, but we're #2 and, anytime Tattoosday is spoken in the same breath with the good people over at Needles & Sins, we're in damn fine company.

Hold on to your tattoo-loving hats, people. Spring is in the air, and the Tattooed Poets Project, Volume V, is a week away!

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